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Product Info


Welcome to the world of URINEX TAB, a trusted solution for various urinary health concerns. In this extensive guide, we will provide detailed information about URINEX TAB, covering its uses, chemical composition, dosage instructions, available packaging options, and important safety precautions.


Product Overview: URINEX TAB is a reliable and effective medication designed to address a range of urinary health issues. Let's delve into the key aspects of this product.


URINEX TAB is commonly prescribed to manage and alleviate urinary health concerns, including:

Health Concern Symptoms and Affected Areas
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) Bladder, urethra, kidneys
Kidney Stones Kidneys, urinary tract
Cystitis Bladder
Dysuria (Painful Urination) Urinary tract, bladder

Chemical Contents:

The active ingredients in URINEX TAB may include compounds like cranberry extract, D-mannose, and other natural agents that support urinary health. These ingredients work to prevent bacterial adhesion and promote a healthy urinary tract.

Basic Dosage Information:

The recommended dosage of URINEX TAB may vary depending on the specific condition and the individual's health. However, a typical adult dosage is as follows:

  • For UTIs: One URINEX TAB every 6 to 8 hours
  • For Kidney Stones: One URINEX TAB twice daily
  • For Cystitis: One URINEX TAB every 8 hours
  • For Dysuria: One URINEX TAB as needed to relieve discomfort

Please consult your healthcare provider for personalized dosage instructions.

Packaging Options Available:

URINEX TAB is available in various packaging options to cater to different treatment durations and needs:

Packaging Size Number of Tablets Typical Treatment Duration
10 tablets 10 tablets per pack Short-term treatment
20 tablets 20 tablets per pack Moderate-term treatment
30 tablets 30 tablets per pack Extended treatment

These packaging options offer flexibility for your specific urinary health concerns.

Basic Safety Information:

  • Allergic Reactions: Prior to taking URINEX TAB, inform your healthcare provider of any allergies to the ingredients contained in the medication.
  • Full Course Completion: Ensure that you complete the full prescribed course, even if symptoms improve. This helps to prevent recurrence and antibiotic resistance.
  • Side Effects: Common side effects may include gastrointestinal discomfort or mild allergic reactions. Consult your healthcare provider if you experience severe side effects.
  • Medication Interactions: Make your healthcare provider aware of all medications you are taking, as certain drugs may interact with URINEX TAB.


URINEX TAB is a trusted solution for addressing various urinary health concerns, providing relief and supporting your overall well-being. Follow the prescribed dosage, complete the full course, and consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance. Your urinary health is of utmost importance, and URINEX TAB is here to assist you in maintaining it.