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Welcome to the informative guide on Prednisolone Tablets, a trusted medication for a variety of medical conditions. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore Prednisolone, its uses, chemical composition, dosage recommendations, available packaging options, and crucial safety information. Prednisolone tablets are available under different brand names, each offering reliable solutions for various health concerns.

Prednisolone Tablets

Product Overview: Prednisolone tablets are a versatile medication that plays a pivotal role in managing and treating various medical conditions. Available under multiple reputable brand names, Prednisolone is a widely prescribed corticosteroid. Let's delve into the key aspects of this product.


Prednisolone tablets are prescribed for a range of medical conditions, including:

Medical Condition Examples
Inflammatory Disorders Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma
Skin Conditions Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis
Allergies Allergic reactions and hay fever
Autoimmune Diseases Multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease
Respiratory Conditions Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Gastrointestinal Disorders Ulcerative colitis

Chemical Contents:

The active ingredient in Prednisolone tablets is Prednisolone, a corticosteroid that suppresses the immune system's response to inflammation. It helps reduce swelling, redness, and itching associated with various medical conditions.

Basic Dosage Information:

The recommended dosage of Prednisolone tablets varies depending on the specific medical condition, its severity, and individual patient characteristics. Here's a typical dosage guideline:

  • For inflammatory conditions: An initial dose of 5-60 mg per day, taken as a single dose or divided into multiple doses.
  • For severe conditions: Higher doses may be prescribed initially, followed by a gradual reduction in dosage.

It's crucial to follow your healthcare provider's prescribed dosage and tapering instructions to manage potential side effects.

Packaging Options Available:

Prednisolone tablets come in various packaging options to accommodate different treatment durations:

Packaging Size Number of Tablets Typical Treatment Duration
10 tablets 10 x tablets Short-term treatment
30 tablets 30 x tablets Moderate-term treatment
60 tablets 60 x tablets Extended treatment

These packaging options offer flexibility in choosing the right supply based on your treatment needs.

Basic Safety Information:

  • Allergic Reactions: Before taking Prednisolone, inform your healthcare provider of any allergies to corticosteroids.
  • Tapering Off: Prednisolone is often tapered when discontinuing treatment to prevent adrenal insufficiency. Follow your healthcare provider's tapering schedule.
  • Side Effects: Common side effects include increased appetite, weight gain, mood swings, and changes in skin. Monitor and report any severe side effects to your healthcare provider.
  • Interactions: Discuss all medications you are taking with your healthcare provider to avoid potential drug interactions.


Prednisolone tablets, available under various reputable brand names, provide a versatile and effective solution for a wide range of medical conditions. With their proven efficacy, you can trust these corticosteroids to help manage your health concerns and improve your quality of life. Remember to adhere to your healthcare provider's prescribed dosage and tapering instructions for a safe and successful treatment journey. Your well-being is our top priority, and with these dependable Prednisolone tablets, you're in good hands.