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Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Cough Linctus 200ml, a trusted remedy to alleviate cough and soothe your throat. In this detailed product page, we will explore the uses, ingredients, recommended dosage, available packaging options, and essential safety information regarding Cough Linctus 200ml.

Cough Linctus 200ml

Product Overview: Cough Linctus 200ml is a cough syrup designed to provide relief from various types of cough and throat irritation. Let's delve into the key aspects of this product.


Cough Linctus 200ml is a versatile over-the-counter medication designed to address various types of cough, including:

Type of Cough Common Causes
Dry Cough Irritation, allergies
Productive Cough Excessive mucus
Irritating Throat Throat soreness


Cough Linctus 200ml typically contains a combination of active ingredients tailored to alleviate different types of cough. Common ingredients may include:

  • Guaifenesin: An expectorant that helps thin and loosen mucus in the airways.
  • Dextromethorphan: A cough suppressant that calms the cough reflex.
  • Menthol: Soothing menthol provides relief from throat irritation.

Basic Dosage Information:

The recommended dosage of Cough Linctus 200ml may vary based on the age of the patient and the type of cough. A typical adult dosage includes:

  • For Dry Cough: 10ml every 4-6 hours
  • For Productive Cough: 15ml every 4-6 hours
  • For Throat Irritation: 10ml every 4-6 hours

Please consult the product label or your healthcare provider for precise dosage instructions.

Packaging Options Available:

Cough Linctus 200ml is conveniently available in 200ml bottles, ensuring an adequate supply to manage cough symptoms effectively. The single packaging size provides a sufficient quantity for multiple doses, making it a convenient choice for prolonged cough relief.

Basic Safety Information:

To use Cough Linctus 200ml safely and effectively, consider the following guidelines:

  • Allergic Reactions: If you have known allergies to any ingredients in the linctus, consult your healthcare provider before using.
  • Do Not Exceed Recommended Dosage: Avoid exceeding the recommended dosage, as it may lead to unwanted side effects.
  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: If your cough persists for an extended period or worsens, consult a healthcare professional.


Cough Linctus 200ml is a dependable choice for managing cough and throat irritation. With a variety of trusted brands and carefully selected ingredients, this product offers a reliable solution for your cough-related concerns. Remember to follow the recommended dosage, and consult a healthcare professional if your symptoms persist or worsen.